Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo Excursion

So I was feeling a little inspired last night and decided to go on a photo excursion around the city at 11pm. I went up to Mount Washington and got some shots of Downtown Pittsburgh, then down to the West End Bridge on the North Shore. Here's a few from that set:

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So I need to get some Valentine's shots for Living Pittsburgh's website ( So far I got some shots of heart candies (posted above), but I still need to shoot some pictures of couples holding hands or longingly looking into eachother's eyes, romantic stuff like that! I need to get these real soon, so if anyone is interested and wants to be features on Living Pittsburgh's main page let me know! For those not wanting to be in the spotlight and viewed by the greater Pittsburgh population, the holding hands picture probably won't show your face, just your hands and the background.

I'm also doing a Bikini Snow photoshoot in a couple weeks. Something different and a nice portfolio builder to generate some interest and potentially paying clients! Stay tuned for more details and pictures to come.

Thursday, October 14, 2010 Assignment

So I was asked by to take some pictures of wings because, a local news station, contacted them for pictures. So hopefully my photo makes it to their site and I get some recognition! Keep your fingers crossed!

They also asked for pictures of some bars in the South Side. Here's some of those pictures:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Facebook Me!

Just click the button!

Friday, May 14, 2010

So I am now a contributing photographer on Right now there is a picture of mine on the home page, the first one of the smokestacks and the blades of grass. Hopefully more of my photography will be on there in the coming months, as I will be contributing more. It's a pretty awesome site for inexpensive things to do around Pittsburgh too. So check it out! I'll have my bio page up soon!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Finally got back on my skateboard this past weekend after a long winter. It's been close to a year since I rode it, and it showed. Starting to get my bearings back tho...